Hayley Jane Warnes founder of Made By Rove debunking the entrepreneur favourite done is better than perfect.

Debunking “done is better than perfect”

Date: Sep 27, 2021

Hayley Jane Warnes debunking the entrepreneur favourite 'done is better than perfect'

Done is better than perfect…

…except when it isn’t. 

It’s a phrase thrown around a lot online, especially among perfectionists who find themselves spending way too much time on simple tasks. 

Sure, the quick and dirty approach works in your first year or when you’ve got the world’s longest to-do list to power through. 

But then you need to ask yourself what you actually want. What are your goals? 

If you have a big vision for your biz, throwing sh*t together and ‘making do’ isn’t going to cut it. It’s 2021, we have an abundance of choices at our disposal, and clients (quite rightly!) have an expectation of excellence.

Don’t get me wrong: sometimes we’ve got to make do with what we have. But while that will get your biz off the ground, it isn’t a long-term strategy

Perfection is subjective, of course. But when you think about it, “done” is a subjective term too. Something can be done and nearly perfect. It can be done and barely adequate. Or it can be done and, well, god awful. 

In that case, it’s better not to do something than make it sub-par. 

Here’s what you should ask yourself before you rattle through a project at a million miles per hour: 

  • Are you sacrificing the customer experience in favour of speed? 
  • Are you prioritising quick wins over a long term strategy?
  • Are you downplaying what you’re capable of and playing small? 
  • Are you shying away from continuously learning and improving? 

Making that little added effort is what turns good work into great work. Is that not what we’re all striving for? To stand out from the crowd and make our mark as creative entrepreneurs? 

When you’re still learning, ‘done is better than perfect’ is a helpful philosophy to live by. But as your business grows and progresses, striving for excellence is what will push you out of your comfort zone and benefit you in the long run. 

Here’s when done IS better than perfect: 

  • Low priority tasks that won’t affect the overall customer experience 
  • Starting an online presence, whether that’s your first website or social media profile 
  • First drafts/mock-ups
  • Final drafts or tasks that the client has already approved 

But if you…

  • Have been in business for over a year
  • Work with several clients/customers 
  • Have a consistent stream of enquiries 
  • Are in it for the long run i.e. it’s not just a side hustle 
  • Want to grow your business
  • Want to carve out a reputation as being *the* go-to in your niche 

Then you absolutely need to switch gears from the ‘get it live’ mentality of a beginner to the ambitious, inquisitive mentality of an entrepreneur. As business owners, we should always be asking ourselves: “how can I make this product/process/experience better?” to stand out, garner rave reviews, and refine our processes. 

If you want serious cash flow and a business that’s taken seriously, then YOU’VE gotta take it seriously, friend. 

Ready to take your business to the next level? We have a few remaining slots for our 2021 branding and web design packages. Apply now before they change for 2022! 

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Debunking done is better than perfect

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