To be a successful entrepreneur, you’ve gotta be a bit of a rebel. To go solo and follow your own path, you have to be brave enough to do things differently and take risks that others aren’t willing to take.
Here at Made by Rove, we’re fortunate to work with badass rebel clients on the daily. It’s fair to say we know a thing or two about what makes them tick and pushes them to succeed.
So, what are the tell-tale signs of a rebel entrepreneur?
They take an alternative route
In other words: they’re contrary so-and-sos! Whether it’s dropping out of college or quitting the traditional 9-5 slog, rebel entrepreneurs aren’t afraid to reject the status quo. If they feel that something isn’t serving them, they don’t hesitate to drop it without a second thought. ‘Settling’ is a dirty word to rebels – if they’re not passionate about what they’re doing or creating massive impact, what the f**k is the point?
They stand by their integrity
Rebel entrepreneurs have finely-tuned bullshit radars. They constantly question people’s intentions and have a natural aversion to being bossed around. They can see right through dishonesty and don’t believe in following arbitrary rules just because ‘that’s the way it is’. Above anything, they want to live their truth and rid themselves of societal pressures to fit in.
They constantly reinvent and reimagine their work
Billie Eilish. Madonna. Vivienne Westwood. Beyonce. What do they all have in common? They aren’t afraid to experiment with their work and go in new creative directions. Rebels don’t like to get too comfortable; as soon as something feels predictable or stale, they don’t hesitate to drop it and try something new to keep it fresh and exciting. Variety is the spice of life, after all!
They take risks
When the world says ‘why’ rebel entrepreneurs say ‘why not?’ Many people question their decisions, deeming them too unrealistic or ambitious. But when they inevitably pull it off, the naysayers are the first ones to copy their ideas. By that point, the rebel entrepreneur is already onto bigger and better things!
They don’t fear failure
Rebel entrepreneurs understand that ‘failure’ is crucial to the development of their business. They’re confident enough in themselves to recognise that it isn’t a sign of incompetence, but a powerful reminder of their growth, capabilities and determination. Things happen, people are human, rebel entrepreneurs know that it’s how you handle it that counts. Onwards and upwards!
They’re action-takers
As soon as a rebel entrepreneur has a lightbulb moment, you’ll know about it. When inspiration strikes, they pursue it with a sense of passion and urgency that can catch others off-guard. To the rebel, creative breakthroughs must be honoured. They thrive off taking action and making shit happen!
This is why we have a host of branding and web design package options created to suit wherever you’re at, whilst allowing you to launch in record time! Browse our selection of options and apply to work with us here, you little rebel.
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