
Has Coronavirus Got You Worried About Business & The Economy? Here’s What To Do…

Date: Mar 17, 2020


Thanks to coronavirus the world feels uncertain and a bit scary right now (and maybe a bit cramped if you suddenly have a few extra bodies at home with you all day long!) but it’s times like these when we need to come together as a community, put our big girl pants on and act proactively (which doesn’t necessarily mean taking massive action FYI, being proactive could actually be knowing when you need to rest and honouring that!).

We can’t control what happens to the economy or any government action etc but we can control our attitude, our effort and our output.

We’ve put together a (not at all comprehensive) list of things you might do over the next few months to help either maintain sanity, keep the money coming in – or, a healthy mixture of both…

Keep calm and think outside the box

It’s hard not to panic when work starts getting cancelled but before you make any rash decisions, go back to the basics…

How can you best serve your people in this moment?? Is there a way you can take your services online? Could you create a lower-priced offering that still adds great value to your client’s lives but is less of a financial stretch for them? Could you take your 1-to-1 sessions and take them online or maybe create a monthly membership service instead?

If you work for yourself the good news is, you’re not really limited in terms of what you can try (resources aside) so don’t be afraid to think outside of the box (and beta test everything!) but always start from that place of ‘how can I best support my people right now’.

Connection is key

Make sure you maintain connections, community is key and even the introverts amongst us need real-life human connection from time to time. Schedule in a digital coffee chat, facetime your business bestie for a co-working morning – technology is incredible and even though some feel that it’s left us more disconnected than ever, right now, using it mindfully will be life-changing! Leave voice notes for people, think less mindless texting, more conscious face-timing!

It might not feel like it just yet but coronavirus has actually brought about global connection on a whole new scale – we’re all in the same boat, having the same human experience, – lean into that. This whole thing is really showing us that (no matter how hard certain people in power try to have us believe) – borders just aren’t a thing. It’s just us humans, all sharing a planet.

Nourish yourself with food cooked from scratch

Now is the perfect time to learn how to make fresh pasta or bake a cake, spend time cooking – chatting, connecting with your loved ones. This is slightly woo but we fully believe that food enjoyed slowly and mindfully is more nourishing that something scarfed whilst on the move. Mother Earth is forcing us to slow down in many ways right now so take full advantage. Good food = good immunity so do whatever you can with what you have to maintain good health.

Keep showing up (we can’t stress this one enough!)

It feels weird, maybe even a bit icky, to get online and talk about your business and what you’re offering whilst there’s a global pandemic. We get it and we’ve thought long and hard about this and what the right thing to do is but ultimately, where we’ve landed is that we all need to keep showing up. Ok, so it might not be quite business as usual but the Earth is still spinning and hiding away is not going to do anything to help our economy right now.

People are home and therefore they’re likely online so take advantage of that and focus on reaching and serving those people and, if you had plans to launch something, we’d recommend you see it through like the boss you are. You believe in what you do right, and how it can help people? (We thought so!)

If you postpone you risk not helping that one person who really needs whatever it is that you’re sharing. And, if what’s going on has left you feeling unsure about the value that you offer then this is a golden opportunity for self-reflection and growth so that you can 100% stand behind what you do, no matter the global landscape.

As well as your people missing out, you also miss out on the chance to learn valuable lessons (about both your product and your marketing) that you can then put into place next time to make things even better… We could go on but essentially, yes there’s a global pandemic and yes we need to be sensitive to that but ultimately – we mooove! K?

Focus ON your business

Did you start your business in a bit of a whirlwind and haven’t looked back since? Awesome but if so, now would be a great time to sit down, draw up a plan and get strategic AF.

Map out the rest of the year in quarters (here’s how we do it) and start to draw up an action plan.

If you’re currently feeling overwhelmed and unclear on how to move forward try spending some time figuring out who your ideal client is and exactly how you can speak directly to them… Cracking this will open more doors then you could ever imagine! We created an epic (if we don’t say so ourselves) and totally FREE resource that walks you through this whole process, you can grab that HERE.

Take the time now to do this work, shore up any weak links in your set-up and should something like this ever happen again, you’ll be prepared and ready to roll with whatever punches are thrown.

To help with that, check out our post on setting up systems and processes in your business to save you time and sanity HERE.

How are you feeling right now?

Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help support you during this time.

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